Pre/Post Rehab Fitness
Chances are you've heard of the importance of rehab after someone has had surgery. But did you know that studies show "rehabbing" before surgery can also be extremely beneficial? Evidence from these studies point to less complications, a reduction of stress on the body, and quicker recovery.
This makes sense, right? The better your fitness level prior to surgery, the better your body can cope and recover.
Once you've been released from your Physical Therapist our Personal Trainers are more than qualified to assist you on your road to recovery. We can continue to guide you through your prescribed exercises as well as incorporate our total body wellness recommendations.
Contact us for help on creating a personalized pre and/or post-surgery program.

One trainer, one client. A very effective way to achieve your goals. This session is all about you.
Call us for a consultation.
1-Hour Session: $95
30-Minute Session: $55
You and one other individual share the hour. Bring a friend or contact us and we will partner you up.
1-Hour Session: $55 Per Person
Share the cost and share the fun. Join one of our established groups. Class sizes are limited.
Contact us to reserve a space.
1-Hour Session: $38 Per Person